
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Pre-Review

Upon reading this the reader may be inspired to say something along the lines of “This review doesn’t align with my thoughts at all and is therefore terrible. Did the idiot who wrote it even watch the movie?!” To which the answer is no, I did not. I’ve been quite busy lately and do not know when I will find the time to see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker; however, I do not believe this small oversight prevents me from rendering an opinion on the subject. For those concerned that my having not seen the film will, in some way, colour my opinion on it worry not, for I have cobbled together enough of the story from foreign language twitter posts as well as my own wild speculation to come about with a pretty good understanding of the plot and characters. Without further ado, on to the pre-review! It may surprise some of my readers to find out that I did not enjoy Rise of Skywalker. On the other hand, it may not surprise my audience in the least. This is my first pre-review, so
Auto-Bio About Me Figure 1: Itsa me, Réjean! My name is Réjean Lagasse (figure 1). I am originally from Winnipeg Manitoba, but have lived all across Canada and abroad. I spend my free time reading, writing, playing and composing music, but most of all playing videogames. Why I’m here In short, I'm here because of Capcom . I remember spending hours as a child trying to beat the final boss in Megaman X. After a grueling struggle the boss lost the last of his health bar, dropped his laser sword, and turned into an even more difficult robot-dragon. I was frustrated, disheartened, and most of all overjoyed that there was more game to play. I eventually defeated my Draconic-Robo nemesis, but I never forgot that m oment, and I never stopped looking for new ways to play. Figure 3.  While the 60m tall Buddha is impressive, most  people just come for the Tonkotsu ramen. What I’ve done   I hold a bachelor of arts in English from Memorial University of Newfoundland
Frogger Remake Post-Mortem Last year, I completed my first game for a programming class. It was a remake of Frogger made using SDL libraries in C++. So, today I am going to go over a few aspects of that project, and talk about what I did well, and what I've learned in the past year that would have improved the code. Design I implemented several features of the original Frogger, but due to time limitations I did have to cut a few features. A major change I made was the end-state to a level. The original game (see figure 1) has the goal being collecting 5 lily pads to complete a level. As you can see, my game does not have lily pads, and a new level begins when you reach the top of the stage. Figure 1. Source: Methodshop, 2008 A comparison between my game (left) and the original Frogger(right) I thought that this would be apparent to players, but while the original Frogger’s goal is easily grasped, players had more trouble with my remake. People who were unfamilia