
Showing posts from September, 2018
Frogger Remake Post-Mortem Last year, I completed my first game for a programming class. It was a remake of Frogger made using SDL libraries in C++. So, today I am going to go over a few aspects of that project, and talk about what I did well, and what I've learned in the past year that would have improved the code. Design I implemented several features of the original Frogger, but due to time limitations I did have to cut a few features. A major change I made was the end-state to a level. The original game (see figure 1) has the goal being collecting 5 lily pads to complete a level. As you can see, my game does not have lily pads, and a new level begins when you reach the top of the stage. Figure 1. Source: Methodshop, 2008 A comparison between my game (left) and the original Frogger(right) I thought that this would be apparent to players, but while the original Frogger’s goal is easily grasped, players had more trouble with my remake. People who were unfamilia