
Showing posts from November, 2018
Auto-Bio About Me Figure 1: Itsa me, Réjean! My name is Réjean Lagasse (figure 1). I am originally from Winnipeg Manitoba, but have lived all across Canada and abroad. I spend my free time reading, writing, playing and composing music, but most of all playing videogames. Why I’m here In short, I'm here because of Capcom . I remember spending hours as a child trying to beat the final boss in Megaman X. After a grueling struggle the boss lost the last of his health bar, dropped his laser sword, and turned into an even more difficult robot-dragon. I was frustrated, disheartened, and most of all overjoyed that there was more game to play. I eventually defeated my Draconic-Robo nemesis, but I never forgot that m oment, and I never stopped looking for new ways to play. Figure 3.  While the 60m tall Buddha is impressive, most  people just come for the Tonkotsu ramen. What I’ve done   I hold a bachelor of arts in English from Memorial University of Newfoundland